The abstinences of 2019 have been really awesome, and as much as I am looking forward to having beer & wine & coffee again on occasion, I hope to continue a lifestyle where these things are not a significant feature.
When we started the abstinence, the most noticeably significant was the no-screens-in-the-bedroom rule — it made an immediate big improvement in life. And yet that was the one that crept back in. While I don’t feel inclined to make rules around it, I would like for 2020 to feature much less screen time that 2019 has. I’d like for watching things to be a special rare event, not a default go to.
I think that will make a huge difference in Emma’s moods and ability to cope. I think Seraphim & I will be less tired and have more resources available for the rest of life. I ❤️the idea of lying out on a blanket in the backyard looking at the stars, instead of watching the TV. We can do a lot to establish a deeper connection with nature without moving house.
I want to (basically) complete the cubby in 2020.
I’d love to do more in the garden.
I want to keep up this daily writing practice — and keep the format, style, and content open and organic.
I want to continue my morning beach times, as a semi-regular.
(Not so fussed about surfing — continue to practice when I feel to I guess)
I’d like romantic date time with Seraphim — dinners out to different places.
I think I like the idea of taking the girls to church sometimes.
I want my business to flow and grow naturally — and to bring great benefit and value and happiness to all involved.
I think I want to work on my projects and pay others to do client work — but, ideally to have all client work contribute to, and benefit from my work. “My work” is the generic app platform that has been in the making for many years. Maybe with the help of mentors that are successful entrepreneurs, which means for me both wealthy, and a happy, easy, flowing life. And I want to be the best employer there is; as well as deliver super quality work.
I feel like less screen time will naturally mean much more quality family time — so I feel confident that will just come and fit in with little effort.
I supposes that’s mostly it for me.
I want to continue to have a mutually supporting dynamic with Seraphim.
I’d maybe like to be a bit more patient, a bit more compassionate & kind, and a bit more skilful & knowledgeable in my abilities to support and co-exist with others in the world.
I’d like to have a bit more academia or education in my life. I’m not sure exactly what form that will take yet but I want my brain and mind to learn new things. Maybe that will be first learning the memory techniques and then using them to fill my memory palaces with knowledge.
I want to live on more simple means too. That’s so easy to do with things like buying fruit at the markets instead of at the IGA. Watching out for specials.
I like how I’m organising the income of the business now (that will be another future article).
I feel positive and excited about 2020.
I think it is going to be a great year.