Learn to Program Apps
(for Free!)
Starting out programming to make your own mobile apps can be a lot easier than you might think. This free 5-step guide will get you started.
At CoCreations we pride ourselves on having a balance of deeply and broadly experienced senior developers, mixed with skilled junior talent — it’s part of our formula that allows us to provide really high quality software products at a much lower cost than other high-end app development houses.
We use the Dart programming language and the Flutter framework for producing apps. Over the past year we have refined our intern training program to a core set of tutorials to set up absolute beginners on a path of learning to code mobile apps.
What follows is our “Learn to Program Apps 101 Course”.
Step 1 : Flutter “Hello World” app
Work through the Flutter tut : https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/codelab
Including installing on your laptop : https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install
And / or, this tut : https://alligator.io/flutter/your-first-flutter-app/
Step 2 : Version Control : Git
Install git, setup a github account,
And do the git “Hello World” tutorial : https://guides.github.com/activities/hello-world/
Step 3 : Dart (and Programming) Intro
Here we take a step back from Flutter and learn some fundamentals of programming in the Dart language.
Dart is the programming language we use. Flutter is a framework on top of Dart to make it easy to build mobile apps.
Learning Dart can be taken further, as per : https://github.com/munyaJ/SpaceCraft
Step 4 : Flutter Widgets Intro
Step 5 : BLOC and Provider pattern
If you love creating beautiful software, please reach out to us at CoCreations; we are always on the lookout for talented folk to join our crew.
(You can email us on festivals@cocreations.com.au)