Member-only story
Yoki crumbled some of the tobacco and marjoram mix onto a small altar of paperbark beside her camp bed. An offering to the Great Spirit.
Her single camp was in a small clearing inside the thick scrub that buffered the coastline from the human world.
She had only 24 hours remaining in which to complete her task, to find and capture a Semu, in the hope that it would become something of a familiar for her.
A Semu is a creative spirit that, when partnered with a worthy human-kin, provides a conduit to the thoughtscape.
The thoughtscape is both infinite and eternal. It is the primeval material from which all things in the material realm are made.
A Semu lives in the thoughtscape, with just a sliver of itself in the material world — not as a visible or auditory vibration, but detectable via certain ritualistic means.
A human being exists in the physical realm, with only a sliver of access to the thoughtscape. Or so it seems.
In truth humans draw from the thoughtscape constantly. They use it to create their nations, and their money, their ownership of property, even their bonds of family & community & tribe; The shapes they choose for their bodies; The stories that give meaning to their lives. In fact everything that exists in the human realm. And the human…